Monday, March 26, 2012

Character: Prisoner; "Why just the other day..."

I have logged 40 some hours of Skyrim in the last 2 or 3 weeks, and let me say, my character is definately evil. I decided after I did the main quest that I wanted to join the theives guild, so from there I just spent my days looting homes, selling the goods, and killing dragons. I am making bankkkkk. I think I have a problem in the game now with stealing from everyone, even the actual Theive's Guild. I also just completed a quest where I had to harvest blood from different kinds of Elves. Creepy much? I really think that anyone who hasn't played needs to at least try this game. You get to personalize your character, save whenever you want, and you can do whatever missions you want whenever you want. You don't even have to do any missions at all. You can just run around and lead a BA virtual life. What is also a lot of fun is the nifty little glitches in the game.
My favorite being: "Why just the other day..."
In Riften, there is a bar tender that you can go talk to about his "lovely" boss. When you click to speak to him, he will tell you about how awesome it is to work for her. It then gives you a few options of what to say next to get him to admit that his boss isn't the best of employers. If you click on the option in which you bribe him, your speech will increase. Fun fact, you can keep doing this over and over again to get your speech to 100. Be warned though. It does take a bit of time (make that about an hour of just lciking A repeatedly) and you have to bribe him with money for a bit before you can just choose the persude option. Also, I would not suggest you do this if you have no practice fighting or haven't done the main quest at least because as your speech goes up, so does your level. This means enimies will be harder. Other than that, it's awesome. I did a mission a bit after this where I was trying to retrieve some books. Normally, you would have to fight the woman to get them, but because my speech was so high, I just asked her for them and she said ok. I had to kill her anyway to get the key to get out, but I felt like a boss. There are some other cheats in this game and others, but this one is by far my favorite.

Oh and if you are wondering about the Prisoner thing, when you start out making your character, the deafult is Prisoner in the name section, which you then change...unless you are stupid like me. I accidentally hit the wrong button and so her name is forever Prisoner. :)

Friday, March 9, 2012

Can You Run It?

So after the other day of having my computer crash fifty million times in the middle of WOW, I checked my computer and realized that it was the drivers. So I'm posting a site here that I checked it on that people can use so they don't get blue-screened. It'll run a test and check your computers preformance with any game. FIGHT THE BLUE SCREEN!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Valve "Steam Box"; Technology overload?

So here is a link to a news story about Valve, a privately owned game company, that is making prototypes for a new gaming console called the "Steam Box". So what's so fancy and new about this system? According to "A standout feature is rumored to be a controller that could provide real-time biometric feedback from the player to the game. For example, a shooter would be able to adjust the intensity of the action based on the player’s pulse rate." But does that really make you want to toss your Xbox or PlayStation out the window to get in line to buy this new console? That would mean updating games too, just a couple more hundred dollars. The real question that most game makers and fanatics have is will this system take off and become a best seller or will it flop like many other consoles have such as the 3DO, CD-i, and Nuon?
What I'm interested in, however, is if little features that promote "new technology" are really worth all the money? Gamers already invest so much in new games, system updates, DLC's, etc. So would a new feature like this really drive the average gamer to go out and buy all new gadgets and games for it? Or are companies just exploiting gamer's needs for something new just to get a few extra bucks out of them?