Monday, January 30, 2012

"One does not simply call a comic book literature"

Before this class started, I was pumped to be able to take a course that allowed me to play video games for homework. Score! I read some of the graphic novels over the break and loved them so I have high expectations for this class. Throughout my life I have been a bit nerdy thanks to my dad and his love of Star Wars and Sega games. But for a while in high school I rarely played any video games except for a FPS here and there. When I got to college, however, my current boyfriend reintroduced me to the lovely Xbox. He is constantly gaming and I figured that instead of bitching everyday about all the time he invests in it I should just pick up a controller and play. Thus beginning the consuming of my life. Sorry homework. My recent favorite game is Gears of War 3. I love shooter games and this one is way more of a challenge than COD. It has taken me at least 3 months just to get the running and cover down. I got my friend Corena to play a few weeks back and now that's all we do. Poor girl :).
As far as my background in games and the wonderful world of nerdiness; my first favorite games were Super Mario Brothers 3, Sonic, and Road Rash (On Sega and Nintendo 64). Here I mainly play Xbox and occasionally Wii with games such as Gears of War, Battlefield, and whatever else my boyfriend decides to buy. For most games I prefer to watch others play because they have some really good story lines and I have a problem with sticking to a campaign. My friends currently have 2 campaigns of D&D and Pathfinder (one is Star Wars and the other is Kingdom maker). I played one round of Kingdom maker and didn't really like it. It's fun to watch but I don't have the attention span to sit there for hours. I recommend that if any of you want to try a roleplay then look for Dread. I played it last semester and it was awesome! (In this one we were all in a murder mystery and used a Jenga tower to determine our fates.) It's quciker than the others and is a one day kind of thing. I have also dabbled a bit in Minecraft and began to play WOW for this class and like it so far.
I'm really excited to start some of the quests in this class :)
Btw, if any girls in the class are a little apprehensive about the games but still want to try some, let me know. I have a tendency to pick the easiest ones for beginners because I don't really have time to practice for hours a day. I may be surrounded by gamers but most times I am just as lost as some of you are.